Lord, cause me to walk uprightly as I travel this path. I want to have a sweet spirit and a good attitude of joy love and patience, but I am afraid that very often I fail. Perhaps most of the time. I want to learn to wait on you, Lord: Your perfect timing, Your guidance, Your plan and Your perfect will for this families life. I am afraid that my own nature is to run ahead and make my plans, attempting to make life happen my way. Yet,I am absolutely sure that your ways are unimaginably higher and better then any of my own thoughts or dreams; I want Your ways for myself, for us- Your will. I do.
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me away from your presence,
And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. (Psalms 51:10-11)
Renew my strength. Walk beside me, carry me, and remind me that it is ok if I cannot be everything I try to be to everyone I want to be there for. You are all that is good and wise in me. That I know for sure.
You are an amazing strong woman! You have stepped up when no others could/would!! God will truly bless your hard work, dedication & sacrifices!!
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