Walk with me and Susan as we journey through Alzheimer's together, her as the victim and myself, the care giver. Together we will experience the good the bad and the wonderful.
"I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love."
-Mother Theresa
First Blog
How did this all begin? Check out my first blog: Never Say Never, located in my Blog Archive (below) and dated on the first of May, 2009. Thanks for sharing; thanks for caring.....and stay tuned!
using the archive below
The Archive below will help you follow our story.It unfolds chronologically backwards, as you can see by the dates. Look around.. stay a while.. explore.. and feel free to leave a comment below or even contact me if you need to know more. Enjoy!
Feel free to leave a comment. Comment options are located at the end of each post. Your thoughts, ideas and words of wisdom are an important part of this blog. Besides, I enjoy reading every one of them!